 清華學院            區域創新中心


1.近期任務規劃 Short-term Mission(2018~2019)

目標(Goal):建立本校面向城鄉創生之研究、學習、實踐之架構與營運模式。(Establish Tsing Hua’s research, learning, and practice structure and operation model for the revitalization of urban and rural regions.)
任務 (Mission)
(1)規劃本校有關區域創新之學程,整合校內外學習資源,提供學生實務導向之跨領域學習環境。同時規劃學生之職涯發展之藍圖引導學生發展成為具競爭力之跨領域創新人才。(Plan curricula related to regional innovation by integrating learning resources within the university and outside the university. By doing this, we hope to provide a practice-oriented environment to cultivate students’ career paths toward interdisciplinary and innovative self-fulfillment.)
(2)發展與經營區域創新與在地連結之學術與實務社群,作為學術與實務合作創新網絡平台,累積社會資本成為人才培育、學術研究的資源基礎。(Develop the community of practice for regional innovation and local engagement to become a collaborative platform for accumulating social capital.)
(3)規劃本校之USR前導型計畫(pilot USR project)之申請、輔導、審核機制,儲備本校後續申請大學深耕計畫的實力。(Plan USR pilot projects as the preparation for launching new USR projects.)
(4)結合公私部門資源,推動區域創新跨領域之專題計畫。(Integrate public and private resources to initiate projects for regional innovation.) 
(5)結合校內外資源,培育區域創新創業的學生新創團隊,厚植本校在地實踐場域的基礎,深化城鄉創生學程學習效益,擴大社會影響力。(Nourish students’local startups as the foundation for growing local initiatives as the social impacts from out regional revitalization program. 
(6)建立校內外大學社會責任實踐工作之協力與合作平台,促進資訊交流與資源整合,規劃與編輯國立清華大學大學社會責任年報。(Publish NTHU USR annual report)
2.中期任務規劃 Mid-term Mission (2020~2021)
目標(Goal:發揮本校面向城鄉創生之研究、學習、實踐之社會影響力。(Exercise Tsing Hua’s social impacts via research, learning, and practice structure and operation model for the revitalization of urban and rural regions.)
(1)檢視與改進區域創新之人才培育機制,深化成為本校學生實務導向之跨領域學習參考模式。(Review and improve the talent cultivation mechanism for regional innovation as the reference model of deepening practice-oriented interdisciplinary learning model. )
(2)深化區域創新與在地連結之學術與實務社群之社會資本,發展學術研究與實務實踐的價值共創參考模式。(Enlarge the social capital via academic and practice communities to become a value co-creation model between academic and practice.)
(3)成就面向區域永續發展之青年新創企業的成功案例,發揮本校人才培育之社會影響力。(Achieve successful cases of startups for sustainable regional development which are showcases of Tsingh Hua’ social influence.)
(4)結合公私部門資源,完成數個城鄉價值共創與共好之專案目標。(Complete several projects for the purposes of common goods and value co-cocreation between urban and rural regions by integrating public and private resources.)
(5)連結國際上致力於實踐大學社會責任社群,交流互助,拓展國際合作關係。(Connect USR international communities to share experiences and facilitate cooperation.)
(6)推動校內外大學社會責任實踐工作之協力與合作平台,提升資訊交流與資源整合,持續編輯國立清華大學大學社會責任年報。(Publish NTHU USR annual report)consolidation. Continue on the edition of USR annual report.
3.長期任務規劃  Long-term Mission(2022~)
目標(Goal):深化區域創新學程成為本校培養具在地關懷與國際視野之跨域創新人才的典範(The program for revitalizing urban and rural regions became the reference program for cultivating interdisciplinary innovative talents with community-caring and global view.)。
(1)深化區域創新之人才培育效益,成為學生服務社會、實現自我的學習路徑。(The cultivation of talents for regional revitalization became student’s learning path to serving the society and self-fulfillment.)  
(2)深化學術與實務社群之價值共創,發揮學術之社會影響力。(Deepen the value co-creation between academic and practice communities to enhance the university’s social influences.)
(3)成為驅動城鄉價值共創與共好的學術與產業合作的平台。(Became the value co-creation platform of integrating academic and practice to achieve the common goods between urban and rural regions.)
(4)結合社會資源推動「鄉村學院」之設立,促進在地社區之永續發展。(Establish country academy for knowledge sharing and creation to sustain rural communities.)
(5)成為推動大學社會責任之國際社群中積極貢獻的成員。(Act as a proactive participant in international USR communities.)
(6)推動校內外大學社會責任實踐工作之協力與合作平台,完善資訊交流與資源整合,持續編輯國立清華大學大學社會責任年報。(Publish NTHU USR annual report.)