 清華學院            區域創新中心


            教育部推動大專校院社會責任實踐計畫(University Social Responsibility,簡稱USR),以「在地連結」為核心,並透過人文關懷與協助解決區域問題之概念,強調大學的社會責任,聚焦於區域或在地特色發展所需或未來願景,帶動各地區的繁榮與發展,透過更主動積極連結區域學校資源,協助城鄉教育發展,讓大學能夠對於區域及在地有更多的貢獻與照顧,促進在地產學人才培育、就業,並創新城鄉、產業及文化發展。 

             Initiated by Ministry of Education, the University Social Responsibility (USR) is a concept to solve regional issues through humanity care and assistance, on the basis of “local linking”. Emphasizing social responsibility, the program focuses on regional specialty, development needs or future vision, enhances area prosperity and advancement. By active connection with local schools, the program supports urban/village education, yields better contribution to regional area, enhances local industry manpower and job allocation, renovates city/village, the business and culture, as a university.

Policy and Promotion Programme of Tsinghua University, USR, Hub

  • 政策願景 Vision of Policy



           Hundred years of Hsinchu city and country, from the trade of East-West rice and grain in the Qing Dynasty to the global trading of camphor and tea leaves along the North-South direction of the Taiwan Route Three developed in Japanese colonial period. The small farmer became world factory as the production unit. Hsinchu Old Town and Taiwan Route Three have maintained a stable co-existing relationship. Positive interaction between urban and rural areas. Plenty of internal dynamics in the local community.
           Seventy years after the war, Hsinchu becomes a global technology manufacturing centre. Hsinchu Science Park becomes a single highlight. The growing imbalance between urban and rural structures, the widening gap between the rich and the poor, the gradual weakening of local community, these lead us stuck into a comprehensive dilemma.
            National Tsing Hua University as the actor for sustainability in Hsinchu urban and rural, when the time of academic development in pursuit of international competitiveness, we are using the local community as a base for social practice, development of grounded academic, nurturing local actors towards local sustainability and policy vision for a happiness life in the city and the countryside.


  • USR與Hub計畫 USR and the Hub Programme

National Tsing Hua University obtained four project grants in the Third University Social Responsibility Award in the year 2023. The execution period from 1 January 112 to 31 December 113. Total amount of grant: 15.55 million NT dollars.   

計畫名稱 計畫主持人 共同主持人 補助金額 行動場域
REAL+REAL+:新竹區域產業與文化支持系統 戴念華資深副校長 王俊 院長、李天健助理教授 900萬 芎北交界、關西馬武督、新竹市舊城區、北埔鄉、峨嵋鄉
TNUNAN 歌劇音樂會:以文化回應式教學推動泰雅醫療人才培育計畫 邱富源副教授 劉柳書琴教授、張芳宇教授 130萬 尖石鄉
"S+M+ART”跨學科與創客藝術在地智慧活氧計畫 許素朱主任 張繼瑩助理教授、施富錡副教授 250萬 橫山鄉
永續發展教育的跨領域韌性整合與社會實踐:以南寮沿海社區與自然谷為里山海實踐場域 鄭國泰教授 闕雅文教授、趙芝良教授 275萬 南寮舊港島


National Tsing Hua University also subsidies four USR-Hub Programme from Higer Education SPROUT Project.
The execution period from 1 January 112 to 31 December 112. Total amount of grant: one millions NT dollars.

計畫名稱 計畫主持人 共同主持人 補助金額 行動場域
水清木華:「頭前溪-五華工業區」流域生活圈願景初探 周秀專教授 陳俊銘老師、王志文老師 35萬 頭前溪
新竹市綠色運動觀光示範點建置及社區培力計畫 黃煜博士 趙芝良博士、倪進誠博士 20萬 青草湖
齡化社會的共伴共榮-以跨世代對話打造社會永續及韌 謝文偉副教授 陳舜文副教授、王俊程教授 20萬 清華大學、新竹科學園區
新竹文史接地計劃 謝小芩教授 翁曉玲主任、楊儒賓教授 25萬 清華大學文物館


  •          本校區域創新中心與USR團隊、Hub團隊一同協作,邀請在地利害關係人推動地方事務,首先由USR、Hub團隊針對行動場域分析問題脈絡與利害關係人,繼而向區域創新中心提案,由區域創新中心彙整統合全校在地實踐政策與藍圖,並建置在地實踐知識平台,收集彙整各團隊課程與活動資料,包括利害關係人。
              The regional innovation center collaborates with the USR team and the Hub team to invite local stakeholders to promote local affairs. First, the USR and Hub teams analyze the context of the problem and stakeholders in the action field, and then make proposals to the regional innovation center. The regional and The Innovation Center integrates local practice policies and blueprints across the school, and builds a local practice knowledge platform to collect and compile course and activity materials for each team, including stakeholders.

  •         農業部與教育部食農教育計畫 Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Education, Food and Agriculture Programme
      Our university, Assistant Professor, Tien Chien Lee serves as the member in Food and Agriculture Promotion Committee of Ministry of Agriculture, so as to effectively promote food and agriculture education, he has proposed The Regional Support System to Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Education. Supporting by both of two ministries, they invite National Tsing Hua University to propose relevant programmes and start to launch The Programme of “Regional Support System for Food and Agriculture Education in Greater Hsinchu.” The total amount of grant is about 2.3 million NT dollars.


  • 園區ESG計畫 Hsinchu Science Park ESG Programme


          1. 40年來忽略社會需求、科學園區該轉彎了,需要改變科技產業型態,重視人的價值、重視環境保護、重視勞動權益,重視共同生活圈的鄉鎮與在地社群。

           2. 大學端應主動與科管局、園區廠商合作倡議推動「科學園區社會責任」,協助園區回應社會需求,讓科技與社會相輔相成。


     National Tsing Hua University organized The Local Sustainability Forum in November 2022. The forum has invited Deputy Chairman, Minn-Tsong Lin in National Science and Technology Council, Wayne Wang as a Director General in Hsinchu Science Park Bureau, USR programme team members in National Tsing Hua University, and friends in the communities to discuss the connection between Hsinchu Science Park development and local sustainability. Two conclusions were drawn from the meeting.
  1. 40 Years of ignoring social needs, it is time for Hsinchu Science Park to change. There are the needs for a change in the technology industry patterns. We must value our people, environmental protection, labour rights, our towns, and local communities in the common living area.
  2. The end of the university should proactively initiate collaboration with Hsinchu Science Park and the Bureau to promote the corporate social responsibility of Hsinchu Science Park. To help Hsinchu Science Park respond to the needs of the community, and make technology and society compatible. 

  After the forum, National Tsing Hua University teams continued to promote Hsinchu Science Park ESG Program, 22 greater Hsinchu local communities were invited, including the multiple areas of education, culture, care, agriculture and rural, energy, and circular economy. We will continue to facilitate the collaboration relationships among Hsinchu Science Park manufacturers, scientific and technical talents, and local communities. Focusing on the issues of long-term concerns from local communities, we are dedicated to the integration of funds, techniques, and talents to achieve the improvement of the urban and rural environment in Greater Hsinchu towards our programs.

1.4.4  Does your university as a body participate in policy making at local, regional, national and/or global level to implement programmes and policies to end poverty in all its dimensions?

提醒您上次會議中您提及四面項內容概要如下We would like to remind you of the four aspects you mentioned at the last meeting, which are summarised as follows

l   Local: USR計畫 Local USR Program

l   Regional: USR計畫 Reginal USR Program

l   National: 教育部與農業部相關計畫 National aspects: Ministry of Education and Ministry of Agriculture related program 

l   Global:  可能方向:載物書院院友(反現代奴隸、移工權益)Global aspects: potential direction: Tsing Hua University Residential College (Anti-modern slavery, Right of migrant worker)

本校致力於改善新竹地區城鄉發展不均衡,貧富差距日益擴大的貧窮問題。Our university dedicated to improving the uneven development between urban and rural areas in the greater Hsinchu. The widening gap between the rich and the poor leads to the problem of poverty.

在社區方面,本校現有10個團隊參與十多個社區發展,包括振興產業、保護環境、復振文化等。In the community, there are now 10 teams in our university involved in more than a dozen community developments, including industry revitalization, environment protection, and culture restoration.

在區域方面,本校與新竹縣政府、新竹市政府、新竹科學園區管理局、數十個民間團體合作推動「地方永續、城鄉共好」。Regionally, our university collaboratively drives “ local sustainability, city and country co-prosperity” with HsinChu County Government, HsinChu City Government, Hsinchu Science Park Bureau, and dozens of local organizations.

在全國方面,本校團隊參與農業部與教育部的食農教育計畫,提出區域支持系統概念,作為食農教育推動的重要政策。Nationally, our teams of National Tsing Hua University participate in the Food and Agriculture Education Program of Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Education, proposing the concept of a regional support system as an important policy for the promotion of food and agriculture education.

在全球方面,本校校友成立「Humanity Research Consultant」,致力於反現代奴隸運動,協助各國政府落實國際移工勞動權益。Globally, our alumni set up “Humanity Research Consultant”, and dedicated to the anti-modern slavery movement, as well as assisting governments in implementing labour rights for international migrant workers.



NTHU passed the 2017 trial run of USR sprout project: “city/village value co-creation and Gong Ho: Dashanbei Museum”. Accordingly, together with the faculty USR university team came up with 10 advices regarding USR planning and were consolidated through 3 meetings into 2018 NTHU USR project.



In 2018, 4 USR programs are developed to tackle the three development issues in Hsinchu area: imbalanced development between city and villages, imbalance between economic development and environment protection, and imbalance of industrial development.

計畫三:「科學園區周邊基礎產業升級計畫 — 技術強化與人才培訓」(參與單位:工學院、教育學院、人社院)

Program I: “city/village value co-creation and Gong Ho: Dashanbei Museum” (Participants: Technology Management, Teachers College, Tsing Hua College, Humanities & Social Sciences, Arts, Life Science, Engineering, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Science)

Program II: “Long Term Care (LTC) Implementation: innovative medical treatment, smart care (participants: Humanities & Social Sciences, Engineering, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science)

Program III: “Science Park surrounding basic industry upgrade plan – technique fortification and manpower training (participants: Engineering, Teachers College, and Humanities & Social Sciences)

Program IV: “biodiversity education network establishment” (participants: Teachers College, Life Science, Nuclear Science, Tsing Hua College, and Center of Teacher Education)

The four USR programs is in connection with Hsinchu Government’s “Hsinchu cross regional governing plan” and “Technology Paradise” by science parks and ITRI. The goal is to renovate Hsinchu by linking up Hsinchu regional innovative network in reaction to local development issue.