 清華學院            區域創新中心

    呼應大學在學術發展與人才培育對人類永續發展的社會責任,以及達成教育部於大學深耕計畫中形塑大學特色、創新教學、大學的公共性、善盡大學社會責任(USR)等重點工作的目標,與本校培養具關懷社會和國際視野之跨領域創新領導人才的教育目標實現,息息相關。「清華人才培育 3.0 計畫」揭示了培育「跨域創新領導人才」之目標。以清華的學術研究為基底,培育學生的核心素養與學術專業能力,透過跨域學習,引導其跨越專業藩籬,同時藉由在地參與與國際連結,發展成為兼具在地關懷與國際視野的跨域創新領導人才。



   The RIC center is tightly correlated between the Tsing Hua educational goal and the fulfillment of sustainability for human society that MOE’s Deep-Plowing Project emphases on university social responsibility (USR).  Tsing Hua Education 3.0 aims to cultivate interdisciplinary and innovative leaders.  Embedded with academic research foundation, Tsing Hua could boost up students’ core competencies and domain specific knowledge and skills via cross-disciplinary learning activities and local engagement and global connection; thus, lead students to become interdisciplinary and innovative leaders with community-caring and global view.

    To coordinate USR practices, a university level “Regional Innovation and Local Connection Promotion Committee” was established to communicate among stakeholders and coordinate resources and actions in order to extend the coverage and depth of the USR practices. Tsing Hua College takes charge of university general education and undergraduate experimental programs which connect with diverse disciplines from different colleges. Moreover, many learning activities in general education and residential college emphasizes on regional connection and students’ practical abilities. Through the connection of university general education, Tsing Hua College is capable to champion USR practices.  Thus, Regional Innovation Center was established in 2018 aiming to promote the research, learning, and practice activities to tackle social and industrial issues in the region in the attempt to achieve regional sustainability in economic, social and environmental aspects by which to fulfill Tsing Hua’s university social responsibility.